HY StemCell 特级胎牛血清(澳洲) HS0502F(5)


英文名称:Certified Foetal Bovine Serum (FBS)From Australia04-001-1A/B


为了解决临床转化医学研究中不能将胎牛血清用于细胞治疗的细胞培养,干细胞搜网特意为您的临床转化医学细胞培养实验提供一款:PALL Ultroser G serum substitute 血清替代品

HY StemCell 特级胎牛血清(澳洲)特征:

内毒素低,指标好,利于细胞的生长,不会导致细胞过早的凋亡,有利于下游产物的纯化,其他重要指标都处于国际一流水平,检测方法完全符合国际标准或美国药典。 品质保证,BI公司的血清生产完全符合cGMP的生产要求,并通过了ISO13485: 2003ISO9001: 2008质量认证,符合USDA标准,并有欧洲药品监督管理局颁发的EDQM证书,可以用于制药行业。 胚胎干细胞专用血清及系统专用血清都经过相关实验严格筛选及验证,出售的FBS原料来源于根据世界动物卫生组织(OIE)认可的未发生疯牛病(BSE)疫情的国家,确保其质量安全。 种类齐全,可以满足所有血清用户的需求,多种血清都提供了热灭活的包装,减少了实验室自行热灭活的工作。

HY StemCell 特级胎牛血清(澳洲)英文特征描述:

CE marking EDQM certified Certified raw materials originate in countries completely free of both BSE and FMD Triple 0.1m filtered Meets Biological Industries' USP and EPTesting specifications Cell-culture & endotoxin-tested cGMP compliant facility;

HY StemCell Foetal Bovine Serum(FBS) Function

1. Provide the index of cell growth hormone, no or small amounts of nutrients in basic medium, and low molecular nutrients mainly.

Can identify 2. To provide binding protein, vitamins, lipids, metal and other hormones, can bind and modulation are combined with the material energy.

3. In some cases can combined with proteins combined with toxic metals and pyrogen, detoxification effect.

4. Cultivating cells attached and spread out in the plastic substrate required factor on the source.

5. Ph buffer role.

6. Provide protease inhibitors, inactivation of remaining at cells extend the trypsin and protect cells from damage.

HY StemCell Certified Foetal Bovine Serum 特级胎牛血清(04-001-1A/B-AUS)相关胎牛血清介绍:

★ Certified FBS- Dialyzed,透析胎牛血清,货号: HS0502F(1)

★ Certified FBS-Charcoal-stripped,碳吸附胎牛血清,货号:HS0502F(2)

★ Certified FBS-Functionally Tested for use with Tetracycline Regulated Systems,四环素调控系统专用胎牛血清,货号:04-005-1A/B,热灭活包装货号:HS0502F(3)

★ γ照射胎牛血清,货号HS0502F(4)

★ Certified Foetal Bovine Serum (FBS) Qualified for Human Embryonic Stem Cells Heat Inactivated,金牌热灭活胚胎干细胞专用胎牛血清(人,小鼠)货号:HS0502F(5)

★ Special Newborn Calf Serum (NBCS), Heat Inactivated 热灭活新生牛血清 货号:HS0502F(6)HY StemCell 说明(WARNING):由于疯牛病的原因,到目前为止,我国政府仍然禁止从北美洲、欧洲和日本等地区进口牛血清,因此我公司严格遵守政府的有关法规,不会进口任何以上来源地的牛血清产品。目前可选择来自南美洲、新西兰和澳大利亚的胎牛血清产品。


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